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Using currency is extremely costly and socially destructive if that currency is burdened with debt, interest, taxation, inflation, political corruption, no valuable backing, and if it is controlled by people who use that currency to enrich themselves by enslaving citizens as taxpayers. When a nation's currency is managed in that way, that nation will crumble slowly under economic stagnation, social unrest, serial depressions, recessions and crippling "resets". This web site is dedictaed to exploring alternatives to toxic centralized currency.


The term FREE MARKET CURRENCY refers to a currency that is truly transacted in a free market without central control, taxation, surveillance, tracking, debt or any other exploitive schemes as has been devised for the U.S. Federal Reserve Note.

A FREE MARKET CURRENCY is private and controlled only by a buyer and seller at the time of the transaction.

To truly have a FREE MARKET CURRENCY, you may have to create it yourself and use it in trade only with people you trust and who understand the imnportance and value of honest private currency.

The next column, "Promissory Note Free Market Cuirrency" proposes one solution to corrupt currency. It is not the only solution. We also need to use gold, silver, private digital currencies, municipal and community debt-free currencies, whatever we can find or create to recover and preserve our assets, property. earnings and savings.

Believe it or not, the Federal Reserve system takes over 75% of your wealth in taxes, inflation and compliance. As you step into free market currencies you will see your savings shoot up and your free time expand.

The Federal Reserve system and all fiat currency systems worldwide have run their course and are now failing in lock step. Those who search out and explore alternatives now will feel the currency collapses less and will preserve more of their wealth as central authorities try desperately to "reset" our economies with the same type of centralized toxic currencies with which they have robbed us for generations.

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Office: 818-319-4282
Cell: 818-843-3667

Here is a novel approach we each can do for ourselves to help solve the problem of unsound currency and crushing taxation!


The video above (and transcript below) explains how to issue your own currency with our free download document templates. The links to those free downloads are below. (We do not track your online actions or identity).
Note: This is not a professional service. We encourage you to seek expert guidance in law, finance and promissory notes.

Promissory Note Template

Ledger Template

Transcript of the video above is here, edited for reading:

HOST: With national currencies becoming unstable and devaluing from overprinting and debt, people who are savvy on currency are looking for ways to divest from fiat currencies.

The natural choices are gold, silver and private digital currencies like bitcoin. But there is no such thing as currency or money that does not have some intrinsic risk.

The fact is that we need more choices, different choices in currency.

There is another type of currency that is being overlooked and that is the promissory note. If done right, the promissory note can be currency issued by any private party anytime, anywhere. That means you.

You can issue currency. Anyone can.

We think of a promissory note as a loan document, but that loan document, if created and handled a certain way can be another private currency alternative like gold, silver or bitcoin but with its own particular uses and advantages.

Like gold, silver and bitcoin, promissory notes can be private, untaxed and under the exclusive control of the issuer and the holder.

A promissory note is really a loan document. A loan document usually has an interest rate, the amount borrowed, when the loan is due, and who the lender is, but a promissory note that is intended to be used as honest currency has no due date and no interest and the lender is whoever is holding the promissory note currency document.

Even Federal Reserve Notes are issued at interest so they had to create the income tax system as a way to collect those notes back and pay the interest.

But when a promissory note does not charge interest and has no specified payback date it acts as a debt-free value-backed currency giving anyone who holds the promissory note the right to redeem it for value.

By pledging collateral, the promissory note becomes a backed currency, redeemable for that collateral.

Federal Reserve Notes used to be backed by gold until Richard Nixon just came out one day in 1971 and declared that our money was no longer backed by gold or anything else. From that date on our government has been able to print trillions of dollars out of thin air and Federal Reserve Notes become more worthless every year.

When a promissory note is backed by something valuable it is worth that much more than Federal Reserve Notes, because Federal Reserve Notes have no intrinsic value of their own at all because they are not backed by anything.

A promissory note states the collateral, and that is what is backing the promissory note, and that is what makes it valuable. The promissory note is exactly as valuable as the collateral listed in the note.

So how do we use promissory notes as a free market currency like gold, silver or digital currency? It is pretty simple, but a few things have to be done right.

We have some templates and instructions on this web page but I will give you an overview of how this works.

First, let me emphasize that this method of currency creation and exchange should only be done with people you know and trust. Family members, good friends and reputable parties.

Forgers, counterfeiters, scammers can always cause problems with this if you are not careful. We do not take any responsibility for any problems you might have with bad actors or mishaps. Like any contract, a promissory note is only as good as the integrity of the people entering the contract.

So here is how you do it. This is our template for issuing Free Market Currency.

Promissory Note Template

Put the current date as the date you are issuing the currency.

On the line that says REDEEMABLE VALUE OF THIS NOTE you pledge something of value to provide the backing for your currency. So say you pledge a one ounce gold coin. That means you must have a one-ounce gold coin and you must keep it for redeeming your promissory note.

If the holder of your promissory note turns it back to you for redemption you must give them the value of the promissory note, in this case a one-ounce gold coin.

The good side is that when you create the promissory note, you can use it as currency. You are, in effect, borrowing against your gold coin and paying no interest. If someone accepts your promissory note they owe you something equalling the value of your gold coin, and you should receive something of that value because you are promising to give them your coin whenever they choose to redeem your promissory note.

The collateral can be anything, your bicycle, your factory, five hours of your labor, it can be whatever someone is willing to accept as collateral, but the best thing you can back any currency with is gold or silver. You can even back it with Federal reserve Notes, but then you are subject to taxation and regulation because the Federal Reserve Note is not private. I do not recommend using Federal Reserve currency for your collateral or in your trade in any way.

On the next line you enter a serial number that specifically identifies this promissory note. This becomes very important if you issue more than one promissory note because you'll need to keep track of which ones are outstanding and which ones have been redeemed. That serial number or code should be unique so there will not be any other promissory notes with the same number or code.

On the next blank line enter the name you go by. When you issue currency your reputation will be an important factor in how successful your currency will be, so you are putting your name on the line here. You could use a pseudonym here, but your currency will be more legitimate if it is issued by a real living person with a real name and a real reputation.

The small print on the template form explains the promissory note as a private currency and states your promise to redeem the note on demand.

Then there are lines where you put your contacts. This is critical to those who receive this currency. This is who they call to verify the value of the note or to redeem it. If these contacts are too sketchy or incomplete, people will have difficulty in having confidence in your currency.

Because it would be relatively easy to counterfeit a promissory note, your contacts make it possible for every person who is offered the note to contact you directly, confirm the note's legitimacy and make sure the note has not already been redeemed. This person-to-person verification is necessary to help avoid any foul play.

On the last line the issuer signs the note with blue ink so it is recognizable as an original signature. If you want to get tricky, you can put an additional identifying seal, sticker or image on the note, and you can have it laminated for protection from damage.

Now the promissory note can be given to anyone who gives you the equivalent value of one gold coin or whatever you pledged as backing collateral.

Whoever holds the note should keep it safe and treat it like cash money because that is what it is.

That promissory note is now a valuable circulating currency and can be exchanged between any trustworthy reputable people.

That Free Market Currency can be exchanged among family and friends and those exchanges are not taxable, trackable or anybody's business besides you, the issuer, and the person holding the note.

On the note itself it explains that anyone who is offered the note for a payment should contact the issuer to verify the current value of the note.

Again, it is critical that the issuer has the collateral at all times because you have issued real backed currency, and backing doesn't mean anything unless the currency can be redeemed at any time for the full backing collateral.

It does not make much sense to use these promissory notes for small transactions, say under 50 dollars because there is a little time involved in filling out the note and arranging with another person to accept the note as currency.

The idea here is that in your community, each of these notes would circulate for a long time, and more and more of them would go into circulation so that taxation and public debt can be reduced and people would become accustomed to using private notes as currency.

Ledger Template

At we also provide this spreadsheet for download to log your promissory notes and keep track of which ones have been redeemed. You can fill it out on your computer or print it out and fill it out by hand. You can also simply use photocopies of your promissory notes as a record.

Every time we can circulate honest, stable, valuable backed currency it is good for society, the economy and the country because it reduces the amount of debt-based, unbacked, unstable, taxed, fiat currency we are circulating. Incredibly, it costs us over 75% of our earnings to use corrupt Federal reserve Note currency. The Federal Reserve system is a crooked ponzi scheme, and as long as we are using currency like that we are tax slaves. When the central authorities reset our currency, the new currency will have the same problems. We need our own private alternatives like this to break those chains.

These promissory notes have advantages and uses that precious metals and digital currencies do not have, so promissory note Free Market Currency should have a place in society.

Please consider making a donation of any amount to There is a donation button at the top of this page.

If you have questions or comments send an email to contact(-at-symbol-) Your questions will help us update our website with helpful information.

Disclaimer: This presentation is not legal or financial advice and is for educational purposes only. The creators of the video, web site and documents take no responsibility for any negative consequences of using this information.

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Office: 818-319-4282
Cell: 818-843-3667

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Office: 818-319-4282
Cell: 818-843-3667